Opera Network achieves new results on the ongoing Artistic Research Transcultural Storytelling and Oral Tradition in Digital Times, during the 2024 Kenya Secondment

The Opera Network’s ongoing Artistic Research in transcultural myths and legends between Western and African arts traditions which had its first tangible expression in February 2023 at Kenyatta University Nairobi with the case study – performance Orfeo & Lwanda, an immersive transcultural global art practice with solo voices and choral parts, digital audio set, traditional instruments, dance, immersive video, live VR opera room, with the collaboration of the following CAPHE partners: NKUA, PTE, KU, FBAUL, CP, UJ, NR – reached out a new level throughout an in-depth investigation and experimentation on Storytelling and Oral tradition in Digital times: a transcultural study between Western and Kenyan social and artistic communities, including traditions in: – Rural territories of Msambweni and Ukunda, Villages of Tumbe, Sawa Sawa, Kisimachande, Navakholo, Kaloleni – Urban contexts such as Mombasa and Nairobi Particularly, this new level involves directly the ancient Kenyan communities of Abugasii, Luyhia, Giriama, Digo, Luo, Masai with their inestimable heritage and the fundamental influence in contemporary rap storytelling. Two weeks of training and exchanging activities were carried out: – 4 Sessions of the Workshop titled: Storytelling and VR experience: body, mind and soul perception in VR and Hybrid environment – A cycle of interviews on Oral transmission and poetic – music traditions in rural Kenyan communities – 4 Collaborative Workshops: Kenyan and Western Europe instruments and singing modalities. A conference and two case studies were carried out: – Conference on 26 October at Kenyatta University, Nairobi: Ekstasi, transcultural storytelling in digital times led by Carla Zanin and Federico Bardazzi with Aleksandra Lukaszewicz, Joyce Kinyanjui, Priscilla Gitonga, Andrea Bareggi – Case studies – performance: 19 and 26 October, Fort Jesus Mombasa and Kenyatta University Nairobi: Ekstasi, transcultural storytelling across space, time and media, with the participation of Carla Zanin, Federico Bardazzi, Patrizia Cigna, Leonardo De Lisi, Andrea Bareggi, Victor Mangi Yaa, Dominic Ogari, Mabonga Wasike Sound Engineer Nicola Cavina, Immersive Video: David Tozzi, Monica Mendes FBAUL, Students of Art High School of Massa (Italy), Arts Students of Kenyatta University and NR. With the special support of Italian Cultural Institute – Nairobi Embassy In collaboration with: Polish Society for Aesthetics, Kenyatta University – Culture Week Festival, Conservatorio Puccini La Spezia, National Museums of Kenya, ESME Sudria Lyon Under the patronage of Polish Embassy Photo credits: Chariot creations